Corporate Friend of AviAssist – one year



As a corporate Friend of AviAssist you’ll play a vital part in our work to support a rising African continent and continuing professional development of present and future generations of African aviation professionals. Corporate friendship stands at US$ 500 per year.
You’re working on maturing the market for aviation products and services and increasing your understanding of the second-biggest air transport growth market in the world. Your Friendship will help your company meet its marketing, PR, client engagement, and corporate citizenship objectives.

Time after time working with non-profits is seen breaking in on official routine, finding fresh channels for service, getting things done that would initially not be possible for pay.

Your benefits include:

  • You’re entitled to one free A5 landscape advertisement to feature in our magazine, once per year
  • Your logo on the ‘Partners & friends’ page of our website with a hyperlink to your own website
  • Your logo on the inner back page of the SafetyFocus magazine, Africa’s only aviation safety magazine distributed to professionals in 43 African countries in hard copy and distributed online
  • A hard copy membership certificate to display in a prominent position in your office as a visible reminder of your commitment to the improvement of aviation safety – great for audits and insurance renewal negotiations
  • Two named staff members from your company as recipients of our SafetyFocus magazine