Focus Sessions – Mental well-being for all in aviation – replay page

This Focus Session we’ll be talking about mental well-being of staff. Our guests are Marvin Rangarira, Aderonke Emmanuel James and Mary Mukulu Kai.

People are the most valuable asset of the Aviation Industry because of their flexibility, creativity and adaptability but they are also the most vulnerable because they are easily influenced by internal and external factors that may affect their performance negatively.

Our well-being has an impact on others (family/friends), on our work/performance and on safety.

Safety performance is directly related to the way people from front-line staff to CEOs perform their various roles, and overall performance relies on individual and collective states of well-being.

Most programs supporting mental well-being in aviation are geared toward pilots. What about other aviation workers? Because most sources of work-related stress are common to all aviation workers, especially shift workers, the lifestyle factors and coping strategies adopted by the most resilient group should offer substantial well-being benefits for all.

Join us for these and other questions with our panel of experts at the table in the studio. Get tips to help your organisation become a nicer place of work and safer in operations.

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  1. Click here to download Africa's SafetyFocus magazine
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Good read book tips from this episode:

Aderonke Emmanuel James' good read book tip: The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization, by Maxwell, John C. (ISBN: 9781400203598)

Marvin Rangarira's good read tip: Influence - Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar, by Jessie Inchauspe, ISBN 978-1982179410

Capt. Mary Mukulu Kai's good read book tip: Wide-Body: The Triumph of the 747 by Clive Irving (ISBN: 9780688099022)