Focus Sessions – local ingenuity
Local ingenuity. Once again "About what???" I can hear some of you ask - it was also a new term for us at the Foundation. Local ingenuity is all about finding workarounds that operational staff are using to fix a problem of conflicting goals (e.g. on time performance vs. safety). A workaround is a (temporary) fix that requires a genuine solution. How do we create an atmosphere in which we can learn about those bypasses of procedures? Learn, so that we can make our industry safer?
Our panel takes you on a journey into local ingenuity: aviation psychologist and human factors researcher Leonie Boskeljon-Horst, safety management professor and researcher Dr Robert Jan de Boer and the voice of Africa - Chamsou Andjorin.
Refer others to this page so they can learn too! After all, we collectively own the global aviation safety record.
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1) Scoring 70% or higher on the exit test of this and of the next 2 Focus Sessions within 24 hours of each episode
2) Complete your entry in the prize draw; and
3) Attend 100% of the event
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Please note, this assessment is only available until 01:00 AM on the 7th of April 2023.
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Resources related to this episode:
- Click here to download Africa's SafetyFocus magazine
- Click here to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter with free resources and updates
- Safety Leadership: A Different, Doable and Directed Approach to Operational Improvements by Robert J. de Boer, ISBN 978-0367698089
Robert Jan's tip: The field guide to understanding human error by Sidney Dekker, ISBN 978-1472439055 - click here for a video introduction to the book