Focus Sessions – Flight Operations over Africa – replay page

In this episode, we look at flight operations into Africa and safely optimise routes while ensuring compliance.
What has improved over the last 10-15 years? What opportunities are there for further improvements? How can you safely optimize routes while ensuring compliance? KLM has been operating in Africa for over 70 years. Our panel of experts consists of flight dispatch & instructor Ben Uffen, Capt. Auke Dros & Capt. Menno Kroon.
Learn about:

  • Flight preparation
  • Route specific training for Africa
  • Inflight Broadcasting Procedure
  • The importance of data communication and the cockpit
  • The crucial role of correct and up-to-date aeronautical information to pilots

And much more

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Resources related to this episode:

  1. Click here to download Africa's SafetyFocus magazine
  2. Click here to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter with free resources and updates