Focus Sessions – Airport Rescue Firefighting training
The world celebrated International Firefighters Day on the 4th of May when we originally broadcast this episode, with a chance to interact and answer questions. We celebrated the work and dedication of our sisters and brothers in Airport Rescue & Firefighting (ARFF) with this special episode. This Focus Session is all about realistic ARFF training that can be done with limited resources. Realistic and practical training is of great value to firefighters.
Aircraft fires don't happen often. This means that African airport firefighters may have had limited exposure to live fire. In other parts of the world airport firefighters are part of volunteer fire fighting brigades in cities and towns and get real fire exposure there. However, such volunteer fire fighting brigades do not exist in many African countries yet. As a result, practical experience with using the breathing apparatus is often limited.
Yet working with a breathing apparatus is crucial for an airport firefighter. The design of exercises can be organized from theory, to tabletop and to practice. We'll also be looking at Virtual Reality training for firefighting: what benefits can it bring? Join our panel of our Chief Fire instructor Jan Huizing, Leonie Boskiljon, Stella Mutale from Livingstone Airport in Zambia and Kenbri’s Jos Nijenhuis.
Refer others to this page so they can learn too! After all, we collectively own the global aviation safety record.
Following demand from our viewers, we now offer the opportunity to secure a Certificate of Attendance! The criteria to qualify for a certificate of attendance are:
1) Scoring 70% or higher on the exit test of this and at least one other future Focus Sessions within 24 hours of each live broadcast of an episode
2) Complete your entry in the prize draw; and
3) Attend 100% of the event
Click here for the end-point assessment form for THIS episode.
Please note, this assessment is only available until 11:00 AM on Saturday the 6th of May 2023.
Resources related to this episode:
- Click here to download Africa's SafetyFocus magazine
- Click here to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter with free resources and updates
- Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Standards: Do the Benefits Justify the Costs? by Kay Lesontha Richardson, Cranfield Thesis 2003
- Modern firefighter fitness guide
- Operational guidance for Aircraft Incidents
- Manual for assistance with aircraft landing gear
- A short history of breathing apparatus