Focus Sessions overview
In the Focus Sessions, we'll inform, inspire and entertain for African aviation safety. In each session, we’ll receive guests in the studio to we provide you an insight in the exciting world of safety and its professionals. Your host, Foundation Director Tom Kok, will ensure a healthy and interesting debate.
The Focus Sessions provide differing perspectives in respect to important issues in the safety domain of the aviation industry in Africa.
Wanna learn more about the the topics of our Focus Sessions? You'll find more info about the sessions below. We want to include you among our loyal audience and have you tune in for each new episode.

Why Focus Sessions?
Our industry needs much wider access to Continuous Professional Development. We have to bring many new professionals on board in our industry to enable the growth of air transport in Africa. We also have to prepare more youngsters for a possible career in aviation.
The Focus Sessions help build skills and play a crucial role in this for Africa. We offer the opportunity to secure a Certificate of Attendance if the certification criteria are met. The certification criteria for a certificate of attendance are:
1) Scoring 70% or higher on the exit test of this Focus Session within 48 hours of the live broadcast of this episode
2) Attend 100% of the event as logged in our online learning portal
Crisis management with Kenyon Chairman Emeritus Robert A. Jensen
Work Related Stress & Peer Assistance Networks
Working in Air Traffic Control across cultures - Marvin Rangarira
E-learning for safety – what works and what doesn’t
Runway Safety Webinar with the Aviation Safety Alliance for Africa (ASAA)
Organizational culture - leaving the blame culture behind
Just culture & aviation safety A maturing safety culture is crucial to continuously improve safety in our industry and your organisation. What is just culture and what role does it play in safety promotion? How can we work with our employees & colleagues to learn from mistakes and near misses and move away from a 'blame culture'? How can we guide the behaviour in our organisation to protect the companies values that are often displayed on big posters throughout the office?
Click here to watch a replay of this episode
Insurance and Safety This episode looked at the link between aviation insurance and safety. Safety performance is a key factor to mitigate increasing insurance costs. Without evidence that documents elite safety practices, underwriters are only human - if they do not have facts, they make fundamental assumptions based on intuition or common market perceptions. These assumptions can be misinformed and do not benefit operators that invest in advanced quality and safety practices. How can you work with your insurance broker to work on safety excellence? Does your insurance broker provide tools to help with your safety excellence? How can you maximize the benefit from your safety performance in terms of insurance renewal?
Click here to watch the replay of this Focus Session
Incident investigation Effective safety management systems largely depend on the quality of the investigation of reported incidents and safety issues. Identifying the lessons to be learned from a safety occurrence requires an understanding of not just what happened, but why it happened. We'll be looking at ICAO Annex 13 which deals with investigation, interview techniques, report writing and investigation management.
Click here to register for this episode.
Safety Performance Indicators This episode will look at how Africa can improve its use of safety performance indicators. Safety performance indicators (SPIs) are essential to evaluating the success of an aviation organization’s safety management efforts. What role do they play in safety management? What types of indicators are there? How do we get from SPIs to Safety Performance Targets? Is setting targets of zero for each risk area is sustainable?
Air Traffic Control - One on one interview with Mashadi Ntenge In celebrating International Civil Aviation Day 2022, we'll be talking to another inspiring African aviation professional with a remarkable career. Join us for an interview with South African Air Traffic Controller Mashadi Ntenge. What shaped her career? How does she deal with changes and uncertainty in her career?
Safety of Ground handling Damage from ground-related occurrences implies increased safety risks and economic consequences for all organizations involved. What best practices are out there to reduce the risks? On time performance, service improvement, reduced cost margins, safety and compliance are all 'must haves' but it makes for a complex environment. Service provider threats include high turnover of personnel, lack of positive safety culture implementation & lack of SMS implementation, or no interface with the airlines.