Our Courses & Events

International standards

Our courses are designed following a five step course design process and follow international standards as laid out by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO, leading regulators from across the world and leading industry associations. At our ASPC-Rwanda, we are working hand in hand with the University of Rwanda and the Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority.

Upon completion of the course and meeting all assessment criteria, your certificate with its unique identifier provides proof that you and you alone took and passed the course. At the back of our certificates, you'll find an overview of the topics covered for reference purposes.

Professional & passionate

What makes us unique is that we work with highly qualified professional volunteer facilitators, instructors and experts. This means they are only motivated by their dedication to safety promotion and not by financial gain. They come from organisations and companies that are supervised by European aviation safety oversight bodies. The letters of credentials of our volunteers make it easy to verify their pedigree and experience.


Aircraft recovery

This course is for managers that need comprehensive knowledge and skills about managing aircraft recovery operations and increasing their organization’s preparedness.

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Masterclass Safety Leadership

This masterclass teaches you how to apply the insights tools of Sidney Dekker and Robert J. de Boer to advance safety leadership.

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Upcoming events & courses


Airport Engineering


This course enhances airport engineering skills for planners, designers, and managers to ensure efficient, safe operations.

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Leadership for Aviation Professionals

AviAssist Safety Promotion Centre – Rwanda

Understand & enhance team performance, improve management skills, and help maintain healthy work-life balances

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Human Factors in Aviation

SAIAST – Southern African Institute of Aviation Science & Technology

This course will explore principles of human performance in line with the ICAO human performance…

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Ground operations safety

SAIAST – Southern African Institute of Aviation Science & Technology

This course aims to improve safety and efficiency on the ground and focusses on best practices…

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Aeronautical Knowledge for Safety

SAIAST – Southern African Institute of Aviation Science & Technology

This course enhances safety by equipping aviation professionals with critical safety knowledge and best safety…

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