AviAssist – ATR course scholarship application HF Kigali

The Foundation’s course scholarship program was devised to offer aviation students and young professionals the opportunity to gain access to short professional development courses and engage with professionals from across Africa. The AviAssist – ATR course scholarships enable future or young aviation professionals to access one of the acclaimed AviAssist safety courses in Africa for free. The course fees will be waived for the winner of the scholarship. She/he will be entitled to the course tea/coffee breaks and lunches. If the recipient meets all course certification criteria, she/he will also be issued with the applicable certificate.
Please note: the recipient is responsible for her/his own travel and accommodation and other expenses, if applicable.

Scholarship application windows are open for a limited period of time. A limited number of people can apply for the scholarship to apply early. The decisions made by the Foundation on assigning the course scholarship are final and the Foundation will not enter into correspondence about its decision other than informing the applicants of the result of their application.