Airport planning & airspace protection

Airports need room to work and room to grow. The number of new airport projects and airport expansion projects in Africa is growing rapidly.

This short training course is aimed at airport planners, designers and managers who are responsible for establishing and maintaining the operational airspace required to support safe, efficient and reliable aircraft operations at their airports now and in the future.


This short course will provide an overview of the principles and priorities of airport planning, ensuring safe & efficient operational airspace with due regard to obstacle restrictions. It will discuss design parameters, airspace protection, establishing operational airspace and what can go wrong.

Course topics include:

  • Airspace and procedures
  • Defining and protecting obstacle limitation surfaces
  • Three dimensional geometric design considerations
  • Understanding the design aircraft and scope of operations
  • Dealing with non-compliance
  • Optimising aeronautical infrastructure for desired aviation task
  • Non-aeronautical development
  • A summary discussion on safety, efficiency & reliability


The course is designed for those who have or should have a role in
the effective planning and construction of new airports and airport
expansion projects, including directors, heads, managers, engineers,
inspectors, surveyors and specialists of

  • Aerodrome Operations
  • Aerodrome Safety & Standards
  • Airside Operations
  • Safety & Risk Management
  • Engineering
  • Surveying

From (but not limited to) :

  • Aviation Authorities
  • Airport Operators
  • Engineering Contractors
  • City & district planning authorities

Course subjects include

  • A summary discussion on safety, efficiency & reliability
  • Understanding the design aircraft and scope of operations
  • Optimising aeronautical infrastructure for desired aviation task
  • Three dimensional geometric design considerations
  • Defining and protecting obstacle limitation surfaces
  • Airspace and procedures
  • Dealing with non-compliance
  • Non-aeronautical development

Request a quotation

This course is given at the ASPC-Rwanda at the University of Rwanda. Course fees for individual registration in this course at the ASPC-Rwanda will be published on this website.

The course can also be given as an in-company course your premises throughout Africa. Contact us for a quotation for an in-company course.

There are no planned events at this moment.